
Thursday, 9 August 2018

Suami tinggal isteri sebab kena bomoh perempuan lain... Lihat Apa Yang Lelaki Ini Buat

Kasihan betul nasib seorang wanita ini. Menerusi satu perkongsia seorang lelaki di laman Twitter yang menggunakan nama OhhB, dia terjumap dengan seorang wanita dengan dua orang anak sedang berjalan di tepi highway.

Terkesan dengan tindak tanduk wanita berkenaan, lelaki ini menegurnya.

Rupanya wanita ini telah ditinggal suaminya dan kini sedang mencari kerja untuk menampung kehidupan.

Sedih baca kisah wanita ini, mari baca perkongsian penuh:

What i did today. I was on my way to work and u noticed that this mom and 2 children (a 7 year old and an infant) was walking alongside the highway. I quickly stopped my car and got down to walk towards them. I asked the mom "kak kenapa jalan kat tepi highway ni"

She replied "sbb tadi akak jalan pergi subang nak cari kerja. Suami dah tinggalkan sbb kena bomoh ngan perempuan lain. Akak tak kisah kalau takde duit tapi akak ni ada anak ada tanggungjawab" my heart just broke hearing her say this. I asked her where she walked from

She told me she had walked from klang in the morning to ask for jobs in subang. Sbb area klang dah try and takde respon. I told her its dangerous to walk at the side of the highway and i told her to get in the car. "Meh akak i hantar you balik" even though it was way off my Route to work. But its fine. Rather i be late than me feeling guilty for leaving her at that area. As i was driving her back i asked her, "dah makan belum ni kak" her answered shattered my heart even more. She said " belum, kami bertiga pun kongsi roti yang kami dapat 3 hari lepas." Then i asked " abistu baby minum susu apa kak?" 

She said "bulan lepas ada orang derma tepung susu, akak bancuh je, cuma tambah air lebih sikit. Nak kena jimat kan" i was tearing up. All i had with me was 150 in my wallet and my pay hasnt come in. So what i did was..

I drove to tesco shah alam and told them we were going shopping, she hesitated saying she doesnt want to trouble anyone. I told her "takpe turun je. Kita beli apa yang perlu. I beli untuk anak2 kak" we went down and i asked her whether she cooks at home. She says takde pape nak masak. Dapur ada tapi biasa guna untuk masak air je. I was like, gosh.. so i told her youngest son "dik pi ambik bakul. Arini kita shopping" he looked over to his mom and his mom said "tolong la uncle tu" he was happy as i could see his excitement. 

We shopped for milk powder and some groceries and fish. Ikan kembung to be precise sbb dalam bajet. I bought them enough for a month. And i didnt mind spending 130 on them. They deserved it. And i was sincere to help them. We got in the car and drove home. I then asked her about her son. "Dah skolah ke dia Belajar tak?" She said she tak mampu nak hantar ke sekolah. So what i told her, "okay akak, nnti i akan call kawan i untuk ajar dia membaca dan menulis. Saya pula akan datang lepas kerja untuk tolong dia" she said tak pe tak payah.. buat susah je. 

I could see she was almost about to cry. I told her, "kak, i seorg cikgu dan i tahu bertapa pentingnya pendidikan. Kira ni macam my sumbangan to society" once i reached her house i unloaded the stuff and i said "nah kak. Make sure anak makan dan akak jaga diri. Ahad nanti i datang jenguk akak"

What she said to me made me feel happy "akak doakan kamu diberi rahmat Tuhan dan sentiasa dilindungi. Alhamdulillah akak dpt bertemu ngan adik. Maaf susahkan adik dan akak janji akak akan jaga anak2 ni sebaik mungkin. InsyaAllah" i told her nnti akan ada orang call akak.

I said that because i called my friend who seeks for people to fold pamplet and paper boxes for cash. And he agreed to help me. Im glad i could use my connections to help people in need. I went to work even though late.. but with a huge smile. My boss asked "why so happy? Kena 4D issit?" I just laughed and went to my office. Some people just need help and i needed to do something good like this to make my day better. I guess thats my silver lining for the day 

Sumber: Twitter OhhB_

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